субота, 14. септембар 2013.

The Countdown started: Military coup in Syria by end of week

WASHINGTON-U.S. and Great Britain finalized a plan for "criminal military attack" on Syria by the end of the week. Russia warns of "serious consequences".
U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at length on the phone about the Syrian regime because of alleged chemical and there is no doubt that the attack was indeed followed by the regime of Bashar al - Assad .
Obama said that 88 times with world leaders on the issue, because most of Cameron with whom we heard last night , after he announced the British government, saying that " leaders do not doubt that it was an attack. "
The U.S. military on standby since yesterday , and , as he said Defence Minister Chuck Hagel , it is ready to attack , just waiting for Obama's " green light" .
According to available information , the U.S. and its allies are grouped plane at a British military base in Cyprus , but the attack will start bombing , but the launch of missiles from ships . And Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that "there is no doubt that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons " , which is interpreted as yet another clear signal that the attack is imminent .
Information and U.S. intelligence heard the Syrian Ministry of Defence in a panicked phone call from the commander of chemical weapons after a deadly nerve gas attack last week in the suburbs of Damascus.
Russia warns of destabilization in the Middle East
On the other hand, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that external military action in Syria to destabilize the country and the entire Middle East, said in a statement the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to Lavrov , in a telephone interview with the Special Representative of the UN and the Arab League for Syria Lahdar Brahimi said that there is no alternative political - diplomatic solution in Syria.
He said that efforts to resolve the situation through military only lead to further destabilization of the situation in Syria and the region.
Archbishop of Canterbury appealed today to the British Prime Minister David Cameron to "avoid " hasty decisions about military intervention in Syria , warning that it could have unforeseen consequences across the Muslim world.
Justin Welby , the head of the Anglican Church , which has 80 million members, said the parliament must be sure of the facts before you try to " really delicate and dangerous situation . "

четвртак, 12. септембар 2013.

NIGHT ACTION: The Ustasha attacked Marakana, written over graffiti delija!

Croatian supporters, led by the "Torcida", were active during a recent visit to Belgrade. They were taking pictures in front of the Temple, the "Marakana", left Ustasha symbols wherever they went
Who would have hoped for, especially in the middle of the night?! Croatian fans who stayed incognito in Belgrade during last week's match between Serbia and Croatia to the "Marakana" did not want to leave the Serbian capital without seals, so before leaving managed to destroy several graffiti Star's fans "Marakana".

Some were clearly delighted with the arrival of Ljutice Bogdan and had to immortalize its image ahead of the arrival of boutiques "delija" the "Marakana" the Croatian flag in his hands. Just like in front of the Temple of Saint Sava.

Hastily all photos were found on the internet!

I do not know how many guys were in the action, it is clear, however, that some of them were members of the "Torcida", because certain features of signatures just fan group from Split.

Ruined graffiti "delije" at Maracana in the city, with signed large "U", a symbol of the Ustasha, and gives also the signatures of the 1950s, the hallmark "Torcida" Hajduk fan group, which according to the local data of the oldest fan group in Europe.

n the picture that has been circulating the Internet clearly shows that the stolen / hijacked slogans on canvas "Kosovo is Serbia", while one of the guests from Split photographed in front of the Temple of Saint Sava with the flag of "no Cyrillic in Vukovar", thus continuing the fight against Croats Serbian letters in the Slavonian city, which has been in place for several days.

For the game, Serbia and Croatia to the standard repertoire of singing, presented two flags that are awakened emotions Croats. It is a big sign Vukovar background Serbian flags and slogans presented in the south, where the opening stanza poem quoted John Dučića.

This activity generally should not come as a surprise, given that the "diggers" and "delije" already had a similar action in Zagreb, Split and Vukovar, where they crossed over graffiti rival groups. However, the most recent in Belgrade far the best organized in the conflicts Serbian and Croatian ultras.

We will not be surprised if it happens soon, "revenge" some fan groups in Croatia.

уторак, 10. септембар 2013.

Belgrade files candidacy for hosting European Football Championship 2020

Belgrade has officially filed an application for one of thirteen cities-hosts candidates of the European Football Championship in 2020! The deadline for submission of the application to the UEFA is September 12. This application is however just the first step towards the goal and the Football Association of Serbia (FSS) is to enter a serious negotiations with the Government, which as of the very next date is to be a guarantor that our capital is seriously interested in hosting the championship.
Belgrade: Red Star Stadium "Maracana"
The UEFA decided at the beginning of this year that the final tournament in 2020 is played as per a new model according to which matches in groups and the knockout phase would be played in twelve cities. The semifinals and final would be played in another, the 13th city.
The condition for a city to apply for a host is a stadium of at least 50,000 seats. Stadiums for semifinals and final must have 70,000 seats, for quarter finals 60,000 and 50,000 seats for competition in groups.
Zoran Lakovic, the FSS Secretary General confirmed to us from the Wales that the Association had made the first step.
‘We have applied for the host in 2020 but serious negotiations with representatives of Belgrade and the Government are yet to take place since the Government has to guarantee that our application for the candidate is serious’, Lakovic said.
In view of the conditions stipulated by the UEFA it is clear that matches in Belgrade might be played at the restored ‘Marakana’ Stadium or at a newly constructed national stadium. In that case the eventual construction works would have to begin in 2016 at the latest.
It is interesting that German media have already published a list of the most serious candidates for hosting cities of the 2020 European Championship: Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Madrid, Athens, Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, London, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Basel and Zagreb.

понедељак, 9. септембар 2013.

AMERICANS ANNOUNCED Ungrateful Serbs, bombs in 1999. was a blessing and not a punishment!

WASHINGTON-In anticipation of a U.S. attack on Syria in Washington and across America, there is growing sentiment for military action and therefore are louder and the American "hawks" who more often compared Syria with Serbia. So on Twitter and Facebook U.S. military veterans indicated that the bomb help the people of Syria as well as in 1999. be a blessing to the Serbian people!
04 nato foto tanjug4 АМЕРИКАНЦИ ПОРУЧУЈУ : Незахвални Срби, бомбе 1999. су вам биле благослов а не казна!

Veterans of Baltimore, as the sign on the social network, are considered to be military action to "save the people from the dictatorship of Syria Bashar al-Assad and attacks on civilians with chemical weapons. Veterans recall that NATO and the United States 14 years ago bombs "saved the people of Serbia, but Serbs did not even today do not want to admit it."

Yes NATO is not in 1999. The activity called "Angel of Mercy" Serbian extremists would continue to rampage around Kosovo's Albanian population and the entire state and the nation have led to long-term isolation. Thus, Serbia, 14 years after the NATO intervention in a democratic state, but the Serbian people, among whom were civilian casualties and by mistake, he will not even admit it. Same is the case with Syria, U.S. intervention to be good and not harm the Syrian people and the entire world peace, as a war veteran of the United States. 

Serbia does not stop, "Eagles" in the second phase of the EP

It was assumed that Serbia will wait a difficult task against Latvia. It turned out that the Baltic Party representation in the course of the European Championships were not accidental, but the "Eagles"made  record a third win in Group B and  provide placement to the next round.

SERBIA: Nedović 9 (7-2 to two, 4-1 in three, 4 as), Nemanja Krstic 4, Micic, Bogdanovic 9 (3-3 from downtown, 3 AS), Bjelice 11 (6-4 in two or three -0 for three, 5 rebounds), Markovic 9 (5-3 for two to three 4-1, 4 rebounds), Kalinic 2 (11r), Gagić, Nenad Krstic 25 (12-8 in two, 5 reb, 2 AS), Andjusic, Katic 11 (8-4 for two, 4 rebounds), Stimac.
LATVIA: Meiers 10 Mejeris 5 Freimanis, Blums 12 (7-3 for three), J. Berzinš, Bertans 14 (5-2 for two to three 1-1), Kuksiks 1, 2 skel, Janičenoks 18 (5-3 for three), Strelnieks 0 K. Berzinš 9 Šelakovs. 
By quarters: 28:15, 10:13, 20:25, 22:18

недеља, 8. септембар 2013.

Obama: Will attack Syria as we Serbia.

The president intends to carry out military action in the Middle Eastern country modeled on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, although there is no support of world powers nor the Congress.
WASHINGTON - debased reputation. President Barack Obama plans to attack Syria, as in 1999. his country and NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Obama, who lost the support of the international community for military intervention against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, and the chances are they will not get any support in Congress, said that the action was in Serbia for Kosovo then was unpopular among the citizens of America, and action in Syria now ,but that proved to be justified.

 It is not like Iraq.

- Intervencija na Kosovu je bila veoma nepopularna, ali mislim da je na kraju bilo ispravno što se ona dogodila i međunarodna zajednica može da bude zadovoljna što je zajedno u tome učestvovala - rekao je Obama, koji se juče vratio u SAD sa Samita G20 u Sankt Peterburgu. Obama added that he knew that the U.S. military intervention in distant parts of the world are not as popular among its citizens.

- Although I do not want to make an analogy with the Second World War, and the bombing of London in Congress and the American public was not popular to support the American involvement in the conflict - said the American President. He appealed to Congress, which would be after the summer break is scheduled to meet tomorrow to approve the intervention and he will not be that America is drawn into another long and costly war.

- This will not be another Iraq or Afghanistan. We are the United States. We can not close our eyes to the image of Syria that we have seen. Therefore, I invite the members of Congress, both parties to unite and act. Do not respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk of re-use of chemical weapons, the fact that it falls into the hands of terrorists who would use it against us. Also, would send a disastrous message to other countries that there is no consequence for the use of such weapons - Obama said.

Without the support of Congress.

But Obama seems to not be supported by Congress. Although the decision on military intervention can bring the president, his support of the Congress is a very important. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress said they support Obama's plan, but it is still difficult to obtain. .

According to the Washington Post, only 25 congressmen from both parties supported the decision to attack, and against them is even 106. To Obama's proposal passed, it is necessary to support the 218 congressmen out of 435. Since the majority of U.S. citizens do not want another war, it is believed that the congressmen to vote against intervention in Syria because they are closer to the 2014 elections.

Strava i užas... Srbija 1999. bombardovana 78 dana 
Horror. Serbia 1999. bombed for 78 days.
Attack on Yugoslavia
♦ The UN Security Council has not approved the attack
♦ bombing lasted 78 days
♦ derived from air attacks and missiles "Tomahawk" from ships.

The planned attack on Syria
♦ UN Security Council didn't approves an attack
♦ Obama want  approval for action from 60 days to 90.
♦ planned air strikes and "Tomahawk" from ships.

West shocked: 20 Russian warships went to Syria.

Zapad šokiran: 20 ruskih ratnih brodova krenulo ka Siriji

The European countries that advocate the bombing of Syria and America, are shocked by sending 20 Russian warships with modern anti-ship missiles Jakont and interpret it as an act of Russian aggression.

The Russian government ordered the relocation of twenty warships to patrol the end of their naval base in Syria, the Wall Street Journal.

New York Times reports that Putin approved the sending of advanced missile Jakont, the United States and Europe recorded as another aggressive Russian attempt to dissuade Israel from the West and the intervention in the Syrian civil war.

The Syrian state news agency SANA reported on Thursday that five Russian warships passed Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean.

A spokesman for the Russian Navy said it was the first time in decades that the Russian Pacific fleet sailed into the Mediterranean.

He said that Russian warships are going to Cyprus. Russian Defense Minister confirmed that Russia gathers special naval force in the Mediterranean in order to "protect Russian interests in the region. ".

Harry Truman aircraft carrier is ready for action in Syria, while Russia sends warships.

Meanwhile, the media report that from Russia to Syria sent anti-ship cruise missiles, it is supposedly the advanced version Jakonta, with which Russia has so far supplied Assad and now featured advanced radar and significantly larger effect.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced that an international conference on Syria held "as soon as possible" but still no agreement on the date. On Thursday, he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and both warned that the international community can not afford delays reduce the chances of success of the conference.

Lavron is reiterated the Russian position that Iran must be invited to the meeting and that the organization is complicated because Western leaders do not want to talk to the Iranians, especially not about Syria.


Lavrov said that Russia continues to have signed agreements on weapons, especially weapons of agreements
on air defense. "Which means that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week in Moscow did not do anything when it came to persuade the Russians to Syrians not to sell S-300 missiles as agreed with Assad.

Netanyahu is terribly nervous about the wishes of Syria and Iran to take advantage of the war to strengthen Hezbollah on Israel's northern.

Iranians believe that by the end of the United States or Israel, or both, to make a decision about a military coup on Iran's nuclear facilities, a flare-up of a military operation that would threaten Israel's territory considered an effective deterrence between the two countries since the plans for intervention in Iran.