петак, 6. септембар 2013.

"Russia will assist Syria in case of aggression,,

Major of Russia Vladimir Putin said in St. Petersburg, Russia will assist Syria in the event of a military attack foreign forces in the country. .

Will you help Syria"We will,,, Putin told reporters at the closing of the G20 summit, noting that Russia is already helping the country's supply of arms, economic cooperation and the provision of humanitarian assistance, news agency reports Itar tas..

As reported by the Russian news agency, Putin said that the U.S. President Barack Obama, whom he met on the sidelines of the summit agreed on the  "some features of " a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis, and announced that he would discuss the issue senior representatives of the two countries

Putin said at the G20 summit attack on Syria supported, the USA, Turkey, Canada, France, Saudi Arabia and Britain, as opposed military action in that country were Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Italy.

He added that Pope Francis also against  the attacks on the regime in Damascus, as also the population of Western countries  governments are advocating the attack. .

Answering the question what other country could in theory could be faced with an attack like the one faced by Syria, Putin said: "I do not want to think that any country will be the target of the aggression ". .

Military action against Syria, said the Russian president will have a disappointing impact on international security as a whole. The Russian president also said that the only  "unconditional compliance with the provisions of international law, " can preserve stability. .

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