понедељак, 9. септембар 2013.

Serbia does not stop, "Eagles" in the second phase of the EP

It was assumed that Serbia will wait a difficult task against Latvia. It turned out that the Baltic Party representation in the course of the European Championships were not accidental, but the "Eagles"made  record a third win in Group B and  provide placement to the next round.

SERBIA: Nedović 9 (7-2 to two, 4-1 in three, 4 as), Nemanja Krstic 4, Micic, Bogdanovic 9 (3-3 from downtown, 3 AS), Bjelice 11 (6-4 in two or three -0 for three, 5 rebounds), Markovic 9 (5-3 for two to three 4-1, 4 rebounds), Kalinic 2 (11r), Gagić, Nenad Krstic 25 (12-8 in two, 5 reb, 2 AS), Andjusic, Katic 11 (8-4 for two, 4 rebounds), Stimac.
LATVIA: Meiers 10 Mejeris 5 Freimanis, Blums 12 (7-3 for three), J. Berzinš, Bertans 14 (5-2 for two to three 1-1), Kuksiks 1, 2 skel, Janičenoks 18 (5-3 for three), Strelnieks 0 K. Berzinš 9 Šelakovs. 
By quarters: 28:15, 10:13, 20:25, 22:18

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