недеља, 8. септембар 2013.

West shocked: 20 Russian warships went to Syria.

Zapad šokiran: 20 ruskih ratnih brodova krenulo ka Siriji

The European countries that advocate the bombing of Syria and America, are shocked by sending 20 Russian warships with modern anti-ship missiles Jakont and interpret it as an act of Russian aggression.

The Russian government ordered the relocation of twenty warships to patrol the end of their naval base in Syria, the Wall Street Journal.

New York Times reports that Putin approved the sending of advanced missile Jakont, the United States and Europe recorded as another aggressive Russian attempt to dissuade Israel from the West and the intervention in the Syrian civil war.

The Syrian state news agency SANA reported on Thursday that five Russian warships passed Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean.

A spokesman for the Russian Navy said it was the first time in decades that the Russian Pacific fleet sailed into the Mediterranean.

He said that Russian warships are going to Cyprus. Russian Defense Minister confirmed that Russia gathers special naval force in the Mediterranean in order to "protect Russian interests in the region. ".

Harry Truman aircraft carrier is ready for action in Syria, while Russia sends warships.

Meanwhile, the media report that from Russia to Syria sent anti-ship cruise missiles, it is supposedly the advanced version Jakonta, with which Russia has so far supplied Assad and now featured advanced radar and significantly larger effect.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced that an international conference on Syria held "as soon as possible" but still no agreement on the date. On Thursday, he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and both warned that the international community can not afford delays reduce the chances of success of the conference.

Lavron is reiterated the Russian position that Iran must be invited to the meeting and that the organization is complicated because Western leaders do not want to talk to the Iranians, especially not about Syria.


Lavrov said that Russia continues to have signed agreements on weapons, especially weapons of agreements
on air defense. "Which means that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week in Moscow did not do anything when it came to persuade the Russians to Syrians not to sell S-300 missiles as agreed with Assad.

Netanyahu is terribly nervous about the wishes of Syria and Iran to take advantage of the war to strengthen Hezbollah on Israel's northern.

Iranians believe that by the end of the United States or Israel, or both, to make a decision about a military coup on Iran's nuclear facilities, a flare-up of a military operation that would threaten Israel's territory considered an effective deterrence between the two countries since the plans for intervention in Iran.


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