петак, 6. септембар 2013.

French officer who was betraying NATO secrets to Serbia, today received the decoration from Nikolic.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has awarded a former French intelligence officer Pierre Henri Binel gold medal for bravery "Milos Obilic" because during the NATO bombing of Serbian military officer handed classified documents on potential targets, was released yesterday from the Presidency.
The statement said that Bunel was awarded for bravery and manifested act of personal heroism.
As a member of the French delegation to NATO in Brussels, General Staff, presented the Serbian military personnel classified documents on potential targets for the bombing of Serbia and is therefore sentenced to a prison term of five years.
Bunel was convicted of espionage on behalf of our country, a man who sacrificed himself for Serbia and his professional career and freedom.
Shortly before the NATO bombing, as head of the cabinet of French Representative to the North Atlantic Organization, General Jovan Milanovic provided possible targets, for which a court in Paris sentenced to prison.

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