понедељак, 9. септембар 2013.

AMERICANS ANNOUNCED Ungrateful Serbs, bombs in 1999. was a blessing and not a punishment!

WASHINGTON-In anticipation of a U.S. attack on Syria in Washington and across America, there is growing sentiment for military action and therefore are louder and the American "hawks" who more often compared Syria with Serbia. So on Twitter and Facebook U.S. military veterans indicated that the bomb help the people of Syria as well as in 1999. be a blessing to the Serbian people!
04 nato foto tanjug4 АМЕРИКАНЦИ ПОРУЧУЈУ : Незахвални Срби, бомбе 1999. су вам биле благослов а не казна!

Veterans of Baltimore, as the sign on the social network, are considered to be military action to "save the people from the dictatorship of Syria Bashar al-Assad and attacks on civilians with chemical weapons. Veterans recall that NATO and the United States 14 years ago bombs "saved the people of Serbia, but Serbs did not even today do not want to admit it."

Yes NATO is not in 1999. The activity called "Angel of Mercy" Serbian extremists would continue to rampage around Kosovo's Albanian population and the entire state and the nation have led to long-term isolation. Thus, Serbia, 14 years after the NATO intervention in a democratic state, but the Serbian people, among whom were civilian casualties and by mistake, he will not even admit it. Same is the case with Syria, U.S. intervention to be good and not harm the Syrian people and the entire world peace, as a war veteran of the United States. 

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