петак, 6. септембар 2013.

Scandalous verdict: Mladen Obradovic sentenced to eight months in prison.

Obradovic eight months in prison for alleged discrimination against LGBT.

BELGRADE - The leader of the "Obraza" Mladen Obradovic, was sentenced today in the First Basic Court in Belgrade to eight months in prison for alleged incitement to racial and other discrimination  canceled before the Pride Parade in September 2009.

The first ruling by the Court of Appeal quashed the earlier Obradovic has been sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Obradovic guilty because organized graffiti "We are waiting for you", "death to gays" and "Blood will flow Belgrade, gay parade would not be" canceled before the Pride Parade in the September 2009. 

It is also required to pay the judgment and costs in the amount of 1. 000 dinars.

Both he and the prosecution again have the right to appeal the judgment of the Court of Appeal.

Obradovic today refused to give the last word before sentencing because his counsel was not present.

However, in order for a crime he is charged with is not mandatory defense counsel, the judge pronounced the verdict.

 His organization "Obraz" Last year, the Constitutional Court of Serbia, prohibited activity.

BELGRADE - The leader of the "Obraz" Mladen Obradovic, was sentenced today at the First Basic Court in Belgrade to eight months in prison for "incitement to racial and other discrimination," said a spokesman for the court Ivana Ramic.

Mladen Obradovic, as demonstrated by the First Instance Court has organized graffiti "We are waiting for you", "death to gays" and "Blood will flow Belgrade, gay parade would not be" canceled before the Pride Parade in the 2009. 

This is the second judgment, for the first, which is Obradovic was sentenced to 10 months in prison, overturned the Court of Appeal.

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