субота, 14. септембар 2013.

The Countdown started: Military coup in Syria by end of week

WASHINGTON-U.S. and Great Britain finalized a plan for "criminal military attack" on Syria by the end of the week. Russia warns of "serious consequences".
U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at length on the phone about the Syrian regime because of alleged chemical and there is no doubt that the attack was indeed followed by the regime of Bashar al - Assad .
Obama said that 88 times with world leaders on the issue, because most of Cameron with whom we heard last night , after he announced the British government, saying that " leaders do not doubt that it was an attack. "
The U.S. military on standby since yesterday , and , as he said Defence Minister Chuck Hagel , it is ready to attack , just waiting for Obama's " green light" .
According to available information , the U.S. and its allies are grouped plane at a British military base in Cyprus , but the attack will start bombing , but the launch of missiles from ships . And Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that "there is no doubt that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons " , which is interpreted as yet another clear signal that the attack is imminent .
Information and U.S. intelligence heard the Syrian Ministry of Defence in a panicked phone call from the commander of chemical weapons after a deadly nerve gas attack last week in the suburbs of Damascus.
Russia warns of destabilization in the Middle East
On the other hand, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that external military action in Syria to destabilize the country and the entire Middle East, said in a statement the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to Lavrov , in a telephone interview with the Special Representative of the UN and the Arab League for Syria Lahdar Brahimi said that there is no alternative political - diplomatic solution in Syria.
He said that efforts to resolve the situation through military only lead to further destabilization of the situation in Syria and the region.
Archbishop of Canterbury appealed today to the British Prime Minister David Cameron to "avoid " hasty decisions about military intervention in Syria , warning that it could have unforeseen consequences across the Muslim world.
Justin Welby , the head of the Anglican Church , which has 80 million members, said the parliament must be sure of the facts before you try to " really delicate and dangerous situation . "

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