недеља, 8. септембар 2013.

Obama: Will attack Syria as we Serbia.

The president intends to carry out military action in the Middle Eastern country modeled on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, although there is no support of world powers nor the Congress.
WASHINGTON - debased reputation. President Barack Obama plans to attack Syria, as in 1999. his country and NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Obama, who lost the support of the international community for military intervention against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, and the chances are they will not get any support in Congress, said that the action was in Serbia for Kosovo then was unpopular among the citizens of America, and action in Syria now ,but that proved to be justified.

 It is not like Iraq.

- Intervencija na Kosovu je bila veoma nepopularna, ali mislim da je na kraju bilo ispravno što se ona dogodila i međunarodna zajednica može da bude zadovoljna što je zajedno u tome učestvovala - rekao je Obama, koji se juče vratio u SAD sa Samita G20 u Sankt Peterburgu. Obama added that he knew that the U.S. military intervention in distant parts of the world are not as popular among its citizens.

- Although I do not want to make an analogy with the Second World War, and the bombing of London in Congress and the American public was not popular to support the American involvement in the conflict - said the American President. He appealed to Congress, which would be after the summer break is scheduled to meet tomorrow to approve the intervention and he will not be that America is drawn into another long and costly war.

- This will not be another Iraq or Afghanistan. We are the United States. We can not close our eyes to the image of Syria that we have seen. Therefore, I invite the members of Congress, both parties to unite and act. Do not respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk of re-use of chemical weapons, the fact that it falls into the hands of terrorists who would use it against us. Also, would send a disastrous message to other countries that there is no consequence for the use of such weapons - Obama said.

Without the support of Congress.

But Obama seems to not be supported by Congress. Although the decision on military intervention can bring the president, his support of the Congress is a very important. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress said they support Obama's plan, but it is still difficult to obtain. .

According to the Washington Post, only 25 congressmen from both parties supported the decision to attack, and against them is even 106. To Obama's proposal passed, it is necessary to support the 218 congressmen out of 435. Since the majority of U.S. citizens do not want another war, it is believed that the congressmen to vote against intervention in Syria because they are closer to the 2014 elections.

Strava i užas... Srbija 1999. bombardovana 78 dana 
Horror. Serbia 1999. bombed for 78 days.
Attack on Yugoslavia
♦ The UN Security Council has not approved the attack
♦ bombing lasted 78 days
♦ derived from air attacks and missiles "Tomahawk" from ships.

The planned attack on Syria
♦ UN Security Council didn't approves an attack
♦ Obama want  approval for action from 60 days to 90.
♦ planned air strikes and "Tomahawk" from ships.

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