недеља, 8. септембар 2013.

RED SIGNAL: Vladimir Putin for the first time publicly and strongly warned Obama.


So far, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama many times discussed the current issues, but has never recorded such a sharp tone and alert, which was sent by Putin.

After yesterday's visit to the shipyard in the port Vladivostok, Putin today on a short press conference, sent a message to Barack Obama.

The message is the current situation in Syria and the U.S. willingness to enter into action bombing Syria.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called publicly for the first time an American President Barack Obama to think hard before making its decision and approve the bombing of Syria.

Putin emphasizes the message that no one has conclusively established that the chemical attack was carried out by Assad's army.

Unusually for diplomacy Vladimir Putin asked Obama if he remembers the results of U.S. military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Before you let the air attacks on the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, remember the results of your intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq," Putin said in a message addressed to Barack Obama.

In diplomatic circles, this is interpreted as a major warning to America, as they are on the ground Syria Russian instructors.

Also, starting the Russian navy to Syria, a dangerous signal that NATO and the United States, if they continue in the same manner, may cause conflict of global proportions.

The loudest war cries and advocating attacks on Syria pronounce the French, which is quite uncommon for a Hollande win the election exactly Sarkozy's criticism of the war policy.

The British Parliament is narrowly stopped participating Britain in attacks on Syria, probably aware that the whole operation takes place too close to the only Russian naval base.

To be the conflict in Syria spawn in the great conflict of incalculable proportions evidenced by the command of the Russian government to withdraw all Russian citizens from the war zones.

This message Vladimir Putin to Obama by the sharpness of tone, has not been recorded in their communication.

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