четвртак, 12. септембар 2013.

NIGHT ACTION: The Ustasha attacked Marakana, written over graffiti delija!

Croatian supporters, led by the "Torcida", were active during a recent visit to Belgrade. They were taking pictures in front of the Temple, the "Marakana", left Ustasha symbols wherever they went
Who would have hoped for, especially in the middle of the night?! Croatian fans who stayed incognito in Belgrade during last week's match between Serbia and Croatia to the "Marakana" did not want to leave the Serbian capital without seals, so before leaving managed to destroy several graffiti Star's fans "Marakana".

Some were clearly delighted with the arrival of Ljutice Bogdan and had to immortalize its image ahead of the arrival of boutiques "delija" the "Marakana" the Croatian flag in his hands. Just like in front of the Temple of Saint Sava.

Hastily all photos were found on the internet!

I do not know how many guys were in the action, it is clear, however, that some of them were members of the "Torcida", because certain features of signatures just fan group from Split.

Ruined graffiti "delije" at Maracana in the city, with signed large "U", a symbol of the Ustasha, and gives also the signatures of the 1950s, the hallmark "Torcida" Hajduk fan group, which according to the local data of the oldest fan group in Europe.

n the picture that has been circulating the Internet clearly shows that the stolen / hijacked slogans on canvas "Kosovo is Serbia", while one of the guests from Split photographed in front of the Temple of Saint Sava with the flag of "no Cyrillic in Vukovar", thus continuing the fight against Croats Serbian letters in the Slavonian city, which has been in place for several days.

For the game, Serbia and Croatia to the standard repertoire of singing, presented two flags that are awakened emotions Croats. It is a big sign Vukovar background Serbian flags and slogans presented in the south, where the opening stanza poem quoted John Dučića.

This activity generally should not come as a surprise, given that the "diggers" and "delije" already had a similar action in Zagreb, Split and Vukovar, where they crossed over graffiti rival groups. However, the most recent in Belgrade far the best organized in the conflicts Serbian and Croatian ultras.

We will not be surprised if it happens soon, "revenge" some fan groups in Croatia.

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