субота, 14. септембар 2013.

The Countdown started: Military coup in Syria by end of week

WASHINGTON-U.S. and Great Britain finalized a plan for "criminal military attack" on Syria by the end of the week. Russia warns of "serious consequences".
U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at length on the phone about the Syrian regime because of alleged chemical and there is no doubt that the attack was indeed followed by the regime of Bashar al - Assad .
Obama said that 88 times with world leaders on the issue, because most of Cameron with whom we heard last night , after he announced the British government, saying that " leaders do not doubt that it was an attack. "
The U.S. military on standby since yesterday , and , as he said Defence Minister Chuck Hagel , it is ready to attack , just waiting for Obama's " green light" .
According to available information , the U.S. and its allies are grouped plane at a British military base in Cyprus , but the attack will start bombing , but the launch of missiles from ships . And Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that "there is no doubt that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons " , which is interpreted as yet another clear signal that the attack is imminent .
Information and U.S. intelligence heard the Syrian Ministry of Defence in a panicked phone call from the commander of chemical weapons after a deadly nerve gas attack last week in the suburbs of Damascus.
Russia warns of destabilization in the Middle East
On the other hand, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that external military action in Syria to destabilize the country and the entire Middle East, said in a statement the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to Lavrov , in a telephone interview with the Special Representative of the UN and the Arab League for Syria Lahdar Brahimi said that there is no alternative political - diplomatic solution in Syria.
He said that efforts to resolve the situation through military only lead to further destabilization of the situation in Syria and the region.
Archbishop of Canterbury appealed today to the British Prime Minister David Cameron to "avoid " hasty decisions about military intervention in Syria , warning that it could have unforeseen consequences across the Muslim world.
Justin Welby , the head of the Anglican Church , which has 80 million members, said the parliament must be sure of the facts before you try to " really delicate and dangerous situation . "

четвртак, 12. септембар 2013.

NIGHT ACTION: The Ustasha attacked Marakana, written over graffiti delija!

Croatian supporters, led by the "Torcida", were active during a recent visit to Belgrade. They were taking pictures in front of the Temple, the "Marakana", left Ustasha symbols wherever they went
Who would have hoped for, especially in the middle of the night?! Croatian fans who stayed incognito in Belgrade during last week's match between Serbia and Croatia to the "Marakana" did not want to leave the Serbian capital without seals, so before leaving managed to destroy several graffiti Star's fans "Marakana".

Some were clearly delighted with the arrival of Ljutice Bogdan and had to immortalize its image ahead of the arrival of boutiques "delija" the "Marakana" the Croatian flag in his hands. Just like in front of the Temple of Saint Sava.

Hastily all photos were found on the internet!

I do not know how many guys were in the action, it is clear, however, that some of them were members of the "Torcida", because certain features of signatures just fan group from Split.

Ruined graffiti "delije" at Maracana in the city, with signed large "U", a symbol of the Ustasha, and gives also the signatures of the 1950s, the hallmark "Torcida" Hajduk fan group, which according to the local data of the oldest fan group in Europe.

n the picture that has been circulating the Internet clearly shows that the stolen / hijacked slogans on canvas "Kosovo is Serbia", while one of the guests from Split photographed in front of the Temple of Saint Sava with the flag of "no Cyrillic in Vukovar", thus continuing the fight against Croats Serbian letters in the Slavonian city, which has been in place for several days.

For the game, Serbia and Croatia to the standard repertoire of singing, presented two flags that are awakened emotions Croats. It is a big sign Vukovar background Serbian flags and slogans presented in the south, where the opening stanza poem quoted John Dučića.

This activity generally should not come as a surprise, given that the "diggers" and "delije" already had a similar action in Zagreb, Split and Vukovar, where they crossed over graffiti rival groups. However, the most recent in Belgrade far the best organized in the conflicts Serbian and Croatian ultras.

We will not be surprised if it happens soon, "revenge" some fan groups in Croatia.

уторак, 10. септембар 2013.

Belgrade files candidacy for hosting European Football Championship 2020

Belgrade has officially filed an application for one of thirteen cities-hosts candidates of the European Football Championship in 2020! The deadline for submission of the application to the UEFA is September 12. This application is however just the first step towards the goal and the Football Association of Serbia (FSS) is to enter a serious negotiations with the Government, which as of the very next date is to be a guarantor that our capital is seriously interested in hosting the championship.
Belgrade: Red Star Stadium "Maracana"
The UEFA decided at the beginning of this year that the final tournament in 2020 is played as per a new model according to which matches in groups and the knockout phase would be played in twelve cities. The semifinals and final would be played in another, the 13th city.
The condition for a city to apply for a host is a stadium of at least 50,000 seats. Stadiums for semifinals and final must have 70,000 seats, for quarter finals 60,000 and 50,000 seats for competition in groups.
Zoran Lakovic, the FSS Secretary General confirmed to us from the Wales that the Association had made the first step.
‘We have applied for the host in 2020 but serious negotiations with representatives of Belgrade and the Government are yet to take place since the Government has to guarantee that our application for the candidate is serious’, Lakovic said.
In view of the conditions stipulated by the UEFA it is clear that matches in Belgrade might be played at the restored ‘Marakana’ Stadium or at a newly constructed national stadium. In that case the eventual construction works would have to begin in 2016 at the latest.
It is interesting that German media have already published a list of the most serious candidates for hosting cities of the 2020 European Championship: Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Madrid, Athens, Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, London, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Basel and Zagreb.

понедељак, 9. септембар 2013.

AMERICANS ANNOUNCED Ungrateful Serbs, bombs in 1999. was a blessing and not a punishment!

WASHINGTON-In anticipation of a U.S. attack on Syria in Washington and across America, there is growing sentiment for military action and therefore are louder and the American "hawks" who more often compared Syria with Serbia. So on Twitter and Facebook U.S. military veterans indicated that the bomb help the people of Syria as well as in 1999. be a blessing to the Serbian people!
04 nato foto tanjug4 АМЕРИКАНЦИ ПОРУЧУЈУ : Незахвални Срби, бомбе 1999. су вам биле благослов а не казна!

Veterans of Baltimore, as the sign on the social network, are considered to be military action to "save the people from the dictatorship of Syria Bashar al-Assad and attacks on civilians with chemical weapons. Veterans recall that NATO and the United States 14 years ago bombs "saved the people of Serbia, but Serbs did not even today do not want to admit it."

Yes NATO is not in 1999. The activity called "Angel of Mercy" Serbian extremists would continue to rampage around Kosovo's Albanian population and the entire state and the nation have led to long-term isolation. Thus, Serbia, 14 years after the NATO intervention in a democratic state, but the Serbian people, among whom were civilian casualties and by mistake, he will not even admit it. Same is the case with Syria, U.S. intervention to be good and not harm the Syrian people and the entire world peace, as a war veteran of the United States. 

Serbia does not stop, "Eagles" in the second phase of the EP

It was assumed that Serbia will wait a difficult task against Latvia. It turned out that the Baltic Party representation in the course of the European Championships were not accidental, but the "Eagles"made  record a third win in Group B and  provide placement to the next round.

SERBIA: Nedović 9 (7-2 to two, 4-1 in three, 4 as), Nemanja Krstic 4, Micic, Bogdanovic 9 (3-3 from downtown, 3 AS), Bjelice 11 (6-4 in two or three -0 for three, 5 rebounds), Markovic 9 (5-3 for two to three 4-1, 4 rebounds), Kalinic 2 (11r), Gagić, Nenad Krstic 25 (12-8 in two, 5 reb, 2 AS), Andjusic, Katic 11 (8-4 for two, 4 rebounds), Stimac.
LATVIA: Meiers 10 Mejeris 5 Freimanis, Blums 12 (7-3 for three), J. Berzinš, Bertans 14 (5-2 for two to three 1-1), Kuksiks 1, 2 skel, Janičenoks 18 (5-3 for three), Strelnieks 0 K. Berzinš 9 Šelakovs. 
By quarters: 28:15, 10:13, 20:25, 22:18

недеља, 8. септембар 2013.

Obama: Will attack Syria as we Serbia.

The president intends to carry out military action in the Middle Eastern country modeled on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, although there is no support of world powers nor the Congress.
WASHINGTON - debased reputation. President Barack Obama plans to attack Syria, as in 1999. his country and NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Obama, who lost the support of the international community for military intervention against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, and the chances are they will not get any support in Congress, said that the action was in Serbia for Kosovo then was unpopular among the citizens of America, and action in Syria now ,but that proved to be justified.

 It is not like Iraq.

- Intervencija na Kosovu je bila veoma nepopularna, ali mislim da je na kraju bilo ispravno što se ona dogodila i međunarodna zajednica može da bude zadovoljna što je zajedno u tome učestvovala - rekao je Obama, koji se juče vratio u SAD sa Samita G20 u Sankt Peterburgu. Obama added that he knew that the U.S. military intervention in distant parts of the world are not as popular among its citizens.

- Although I do not want to make an analogy with the Second World War, and the bombing of London in Congress and the American public was not popular to support the American involvement in the conflict - said the American President. He appealed to Congress, which would be after the summer break is scheduled to meet tomorrow to approve the intervention and he will not be that America is drawn into another long and costly war.

- This will not be another Iraq or Afghanistan. We are the United States. We can not close our eyes to the image of Syria that we have seen. Therefore, I invite the members of Congress, both parties to unite and act. Do not respond to this outrageous attack would increase the risk of re-use of chemical weapons, the fact that it falls into the hands of terrorists who would use it against us. Also, would send a disastrous message to other countries that there is no consequence for the use of such weapons - Obama said.

Without the support of Congress.

But Obama seems to not be supported by Congress. Although the decision on military intervention can bring the president, his support of the Congress is a very important. Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress said they support Obama's plan, but it is still difficult to obtain. .

According to the Washington Post, only 25 congressmen from both parties supported the decision to attack, and against them is even 106. To Obama's proposal passed, it is necessary to support the 218 congressmen out of 435. Since the majority of U.S. citizens do not want another war, it is believed that the congressmen to vote against intervention in Syria because they are closer to the 2014 elections.

Strava i užas... Srbija 1999. bombardovana 78 dana 
Horror. Serbia 1999. bombed for 78 days.
Attack on Yugoslavia
♦ The UN Security Council has not approved the attack
♦ bombing lasted 78 days
♦ derived from air attacks and missiles "Tomahawk" from ships.

The planned attack on Syria
♦ UN Security Council didn't approves an attack
♦ Obama want  approval for action from 60 days to 90.
♦ planned air strikes and "Tomahawk" from ships.

West shocked: 20 Russian warships went to Syria.

Zapad šokiran: 20 ruskih ratnih brodova krenulo ka Siriji

The European countries that advocate the bombing of Syria and America, are shocked by sending 20 Russian warships with modern anti-ship missiles Jakont and interpret it as an act of Russian aggression.

The Russian government ordered the relocation of twenty warships to patrol the end of their naval base in Syria, the Wall Street Journal.

New York Times reports that Putin approved the sending of advanced missile Jakont, the United States and Europe recorded as another aggressive Russian attempt to dissuade Israel from the West and the intervention in the Syrian civil war.

The Syrian state news agency SANA reported on Thursday that five Russian warships passed Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean.

A spokesman for the Russian Navy said it was the first time in decades that the Russian Pacific fleet sailed into the Mediterranean.

He said that Russian warships are going to Cyprus. Russian Defense Minister confirmed that Russia gathers special naval force in the Mediterranean in order to "protect Russian interests in the region. ".

Harry Truman aircraft carrier is ready for action in Syria, while Russia sends warships.

Meanwhile, the media report that from Russia to Syria sent anti-ship cruise missiles, it is supposedly the advanced version Jakonta, with which Russia has so far supplied Assad and now featured advanced radar and significantly larger effect.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced that an international conference on Syria held "as soon as possible" but still no agreement on the date. On Thursday, he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and both warned that the international community can not afford delays reduce the chances of success of the conference.

Lavron is reiterated the Russian position that Iran must be invited to the meeting and that the organization is complicated because Western leaders do not want to talk to the Iranians, especially not about Syria.


Lavrov said that Russia continues to have signed agreements on weapons, especially weapons of agreements
on air defense. "Which means that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this week in Moscow did not do anything when it came to persuade the Russians to Syrians not to sell S-300 missiles as agreed with Assad.

Netanyahu is terribly nervous about the wishes of Syria and Iran to take advantage of the war to strengthen Hezbollah on Israel's northern.

Iranians believe that by the end of the United States or Israel, or both, to make a decision about a military coup on Iran's nuclear facilities, a flare-up of a military operation that would threaten Israel's territory considered an effective deterrence between the two countries since the plans for intervention in Iran.


RED SIGNAL: Vladimir Putin for the first time publicly and strongly warned Obama.


So far, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama many times discussed the current issues, but has never recorded such a sharp tone and alert, which was sent by Putin.

After yesterday's visit to the shipyard in the port Vladivostok, Putin today on a short press conference, sent a message to Barack Obama.

The message is the current situation in Syria and the U.S. willingness to enter into action bombing Syria.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called publicly for the first time an American President Barack Obama to think hard before making its decision and approve the bombing of Syria.

Putin emphasizes the message that no one has conclusively established that the chemical attack was carried out by Assad's army.

Unusually for diplomacy Vladimir Putin asked Obama if he remembers the results of U.S. military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Before you let the air attacks on the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, remember the results of your intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq," Putin said in a message addressed to Barack Obama.

In diplomatic circles, this is interpreted as a major warning to America, as they are on the ground Syria Russian instructors.

Also, starting the Russian navy to Syria, a dangerous signal that NATO and the United States, if they continue in the same manner, may cause conflict of global proportions.

The loudest war cries and advocating attacks on Syria pronounce the French, which is quite uncommon for a Hollande win the election exactly Sarkozy's criticism of the war policy.

The British Parliament is narrowly stopped participating Britain in attacks on Syria, probably aware that the whole operation takes place too close to the only Russian naval base.

To be the conflict in Syria spawn in the great conflict of incalculable proportions evidenced by the command of the Russian government to withdraw all Russian citizens from the war zones.

This message Vladimir Putin to Obama by the sharpness of tone, has not been recorded in their communication.

петак, 6. септембар 2013.

Scandalous verdict: Mladen Obradovic sentenced to eight months in prison.

Obradovic eight months in prison for alleged discrimination against LGBT.

BELGRADE - The leader of the "Obraza" Mladen Obradovic, was sentenced today in the First Basic Court in Belgrade to eight months in prison for alleged incitement to racial and other discrimination  canceled before the Pride Parade in September 2009.

The first ruling by the Court of Appeal quashed the earlier Obradovic has been sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Obradovic guilty because organized graffiti "We are waiting for you", "death to gays" and "Blood will flow Belgrade, gay parade would not be" canceled before the Pride Parade in the September 2009. 

It is also required to pay the judgment and costs in the amount of 1. 000 dinars.

Both he and the prosecution again have the right to appeal the judgment of the Court of Appeal.

Obradovic today refused to give the last word before sentencing because his counsel was not present.

However, in order for a crime he is charged with is not mandatory defense counsel, the judge pronounced the verdict.

 His organization "Obraz" Last year, the Constitutional Court of Serbia, prohibited activity.

BELGRADE - The leader of the "Obraz" Mladen Obradovic, was sentenced today at the First Basic Court in Belgrade to eight months in prison for "incitement to racial and other discrimination," said a spokesman for the court Ivana Ramic.

Mladen Obradovic, as demonstrated by the First Instance Court has organized graffiti "We are waiting for you", "death to gays" and "Blood will flow Belgrade, gay parade would not be" canceled before the Pride Parade in the 2009. 

This is the second judgment, for the first, which is Obradovic was sentenced to 10 months in prison, overturned the Court of Appeal.

"Russia will assist Syria in case of aggression,,

Major of Russia Vladimir Putin said in St. Petersburg, Russia will assist Syria in the event of a military attack foreign forces in the country. .

Will you help Syria"We will,,, Putin told reporters at the closing of the G20 summit, noting that Russia is already helping the country's supply of arms, economic cooperation and the provision of humanitarian assistance, news agency reports Itar tas..

As reported by the Russian news agency, Putin said that the U.S. President Barack Obama, whom he met on the sidelines of the summit agreed on the  "some features of " a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis, and announced that he would discuss the issue senior representatives of the two countries

Putin said at the G20 summit attack on Syria supported, the USA, Turkey, Canada, France, Saudi Arabia and Britain, as opposed military action in that country were Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Italy.

He added that Pope Francis also against  the attacks on the regime in Damascus, as also the population of Western countries  governments are advocating the attack. .

Answering the question what other country could in theory could be faced with an attack like the one faced by Syria, Putin said: "I do not want to think that any country will be the target of the aggression ". .

Military action against Syria, said the Russian president will have a disappointing impact on international security as a whole. The Russian president also said that the only  "unconditional compliance with the provisions of international law, " can preserve stability. .

Americans aren’t stupid: Kosovo is Serbia

It’s great to hear that   some politicians   one man from the United States support “Kosovo is Serbia,” the heart of Serbia. A great video made by Yusef Al Tahir, an American man, living in Chicago, United States:


Albanian Islamists are trying to destroy Serbian history and culture in Serbian province of Kosovo, but Kosovo is still the heart of Serbia. It was, it is, and will always be.
Photo (Kosovo is the heart of Serbia) by Sanja Kis.

The most expensive Serbian word (English)

After months of negotiations and 14 years after the war, Kosovo and Serbia intend to normalize relations. But the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo is only a first step, writes Dragoslav Dedovic.
"Kosovo" is the most expensive Serbian word, a nationally inspired Serbian poet wrote in 1989. His point was something the majority of Serbs think today: Kosovo is not just any piece of land, but a collective term for all Serbian historical hopes and frustrations, a kind of Serbian Jerusalem.
"Serbian Kosovo" is a fixed component of education, the teaching of history and politics and of political discourse. The real Kosovo - in which 90 percent now speak Albanian - and the Serbian national myth cultivated for centuries have widely diverged in recent decades. In Belgrade, a decision must be made sooner or later to abandon either the almost mystical concept of Kosovo, or the political realities. Driven by European political constraints, the former radical-nationalist elite in Belgrade has apparently decided for realistic action.
Such a change of heart in Serbian politics is no accident. During the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 there were mass expulsions of Albanians by Serb militias. When NATO ousted Serbian forces from Kosovo, the Albanian guerrilla forces returning to Kosovo expelled the majority of the Serb population and many non-Albanian residents. Apart from a small area in the north, Serbia lost control over the province. An integration of Kosovo Albanians into the Serbian political system was no longer imaginable.
The politically nationalist-oriented Serbs who repeated like a mantra that Kosovo is Serbian - which has even been anchored in the Serbian constitution since 2008 - had no answer to a simple question: Could they imagine the Albanian guerrillas Thaci or Haradinaj as defense minister of Serbia? If they say no, they are also denying the political participation of Kosovo Albanians in the Serbian state and providing arguments for separation. If they say yes, they would have to entrust their defense to a hated war enemy. That's something Ivica Dacic, the former party press officer of the Serbian autocrat Slobodan Milosevic, knows. As the current prime minister of Serbia, Dacic has achieved a "historic agreement" with his former wartijme foe, Hashim Thaci, now prime minister of Kosovo. That is - perhaps - a good message.
The headlines about the agreement that has been reached reflect the usual media hyperbole. Considered more soberly, this "historic day" is just a first step on the way to a possible resolution of the conflict. The everyday mutual mistrust is vast. Shackled by corruption and with frustrated national ambitions, Serbia is still on shaky ground when it comes to EU accession negotiations. And Kosovo, with a criminal economy and clans as true centers of power behind the democratic facade, remains the poorhouse of Europe.
In the current relationship between Pristina and Belgrade, it is possible to prevent the worst violence, if the leaders can keep their hardliners under control. Belgrade must reassure the Kosovo Serbs that Pristina also has its nationalist opposition under control. Even if the initial difficulties are overcome, a sustainable peace is not yet secured. If a serious investment in the economy and the infrastructure is not made, if no one is willing to take the risk of genuine, courageous reconciliation - from both sides - the Albanian and Serbian worlds in Kosovo will continue as two co-orbiting, but completely separate planets.
For many Serbs from Kosovo, Belgrade is still their capital. They believe their Albanian neighbors still have evil intent, bent on banishing everything Serbian from Kosovo. For many Kosovo Albanians, their Serbian compatriots remain powerless representatives of the former Serbian regime. This nationalistic dance can take a while. This is something that needed to be recognized in the historic agreements in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine.

China Sends Warships To Syria, Joining Russian Warships In Mediterranean Sea

China has now joined Russia in sending warships to Syria to peacefully monitor the actions of US ships sent there by Barack Obama to commit terrorist attacks againt Syria according to this breaking story from Infowars. As the build up to WW3 rapidly escalates, will Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama do the unthinkable and launch ‘love bombs‘ towards the Syrian people based upon a ‘false flag‘ or will he back down and wait for a full investigation from the UN inspectors to be completed? China has also accused the US of lying in Syria and has stated that the US is ignoring international law as shared in the new video below from Sherrie Questioning All. The story from Infowars is below video.


China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.

According to the Russian news outlet Telegrafist.org, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.

The report states that additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their identity is unknown.

French officer who was betraying NATO secrets to Serbia, today received the decoration from Nikolic.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has awarded a former French intelligence officer Pierre Henri Binel gold medal for bravery "Milos Obilic" because during the NATO bombing of Serbian military officer handed classified documents on potential targets, was released yesterday from the Presidency.
The statement said that Bunel was awarded for bravery and manifested act of personal heroism.
As a member of the French delegation to NATO in Brussels, General Staff, presented the Serbian military personnel classified documents on potential targets for the bombing of Serbia and is therefore sentenced to a prison term of five years.
Bunel was convicted of espionage on behalf of our country, a man who sacrificed himself for Serbia and his professional career and freedom.
Shortly before the NATO bombing, as head of the cabinet of French Representative to the North Atlantic Organization, General Jovan Milanovic provided possible targets, for which a court in Paris sentenced to prison.

четвртак, 5. септембар 2013.

Fighting fans of Bosnia and Serbia, "delije " burning flares, police escorted them

A fight occurred when fans went to B & H Hall where the game is held, where they passed the Serbian fans who were sitting in the cafe which is the base of our supporters.

The basketball match between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the second round of Group B in the European championship in basketball had a stormy overture, there was a fight fans two teams in the center of Jesenice.

Fans of Bosnia and Herzegovina came to the hall, and "his" bar sat Serbian fans. Immediately there was a mutual insults, Serbian fans chanted "Knife, Wire, Srebrenica", while in turn Bosnians shouted "J and S ...". 

Fans of Bosnia and Herzegovina began throwing bottles and stones towards the Serbs, who stood up and started to fight back, but immediately got involved with the Slovenian police station right there across the street.

Burning flares in Tunel

A Serbian fan rushed among the Bosnians, however, the rapid intervention of law enforcement authorities calmed the situation.
However, the pre-game phenomenon of a group of 30 Serbian fans with features red star that lights a torch in the tunnel and escorted to the hall, accompanied by police.

Some time later, there was a provocation of both fans outside the hall but no individual is the contact for the special forces of the police were there.

I will not post Video here, there is a violence.

IVKOVIĆ: We did a great job, but played a poor second half!.

Selector Serbian basketball players do not fall into euphoria after two consecutive success at the European Championships and is unsatisfied with the team after the benefits yielded by 25 points in the final against Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Coach of Serbian national basketball team coach Dusan Ivkovic was pleased with the good start to the European Championship in Slovenia and in the two victories, but there are objections to some elements of the game, "Eagles" in the match against Bosnia and Herzegovina in which they won 77-67.
- My team is absolutely deserved to win, but I did not like the way we played much of the second half. We made a great job, arrived to a new triumph, but we stopped playing after leading by 25 points difference. We stopped to run poorly we were moving without the ball, which is motivated by the selection of Bosnia known to use and reduce the backlog. Such things have been happening in the former, but this is a young team and so players need to understand, said Serbia coach Dusan Ivkovic, as reported by KSS site. .
The next rival of Macedonia, which is quite unfortunate, and in the manner complained defeated by Montenegro, and will try to "pull" against Serbia.
- Their team is one of the most experienced in the championship, the team more than any other. This was confirmed in Lithuania, know each other well, and breathe as a team on their side of the experience, and our supposed to be a high pace and energy. We have to prepare ourselves off high rate - said Dusan Ivkovic.

SERBIA TO THE SECOND PHASE. Eagles easily defeated Bosnia!.(Photo)

In his second match at the European Championships in Slovenia, Serbia in basketball defeated Bosnia  77:67.

Serbia's basketball team continued  good publications at EuroBasket in Slovenia, after the victory over Lithuania, Serbia beat Bosnia-Herzegovina 77-67 score. .

This was a historic match in that we have for the first time since the breakup of Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina faced with the players. They are obviously far from the European leadership, and the balance of their continental championships after this match devastating 4-27. Serbian selection done what we expected, immature defeated opponents, enrolled two new points and provided a solid game that is certainly another encouragement to seriously tackle that problem.
It was a little more serious in the final match victory would be more convincing, but this will not be a lot of fuss.
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić

This time, the most prominent individual Dudinih "Eagles" was Stefan Markovic, not only because of the 15 points, but the entire party in all aspects of the game, seven rebounds, three assists and steals. "Double-digit" were still Rasko Katic (12 points, just one jump), lack Nedović (11 points) and captain Nenad Krstic (10). Nihad Đedović with 17 points and Mirza Teletović with 16 led the BH Elmedin Kikanović scored 13, Dalibor Persic 10.

The next opponent is Serbia Macedonia on Friday, 6. September 21 an hour. .
SRBIJA: Nedović 11, Nemanja Krstić, Micić 5, Bogdanović 8, Bjelica 7, Marković 15, Kalinić 2, Gagić 2, Nenad Krstić 10, Anđušić 5, Katić 12, Štimac.
B&H: Pašalić 5, Mašić, Stipanović, Šutalo 2, Rajt, Bavčić, Gordić 2, Kikanović 13, Teletović 16, Peršić 10, Đedović 17, Sinanović.
Group B
Montenegro – Letonia 72:73
Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 77:67
Litvania – Macedonia (21.00)
Tabel: Serbia 4, Letonia 4, Montenegro 3, B&H 2, Macedonia 1, Litvania 1.
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić
Course of the match.
First Quarter. 1/4
Bosnia and Herzegovina has entered the match opened with a 4-0, but Serbia quickly tied. Most problems our team right Teletović Mirza, who is currently unstoppable with seven points. However, the three Markovic in the middle of the quarter for a minimum lead of 11:10, and shortly after the 14:10 Nedovic. Cons Bosnia and scored Đedović forced Dudu Ivkovic to request a time-out that has made a great play in the continuation of the first double digit lead (22:12).
The last two minutes of the first quarter brought a real confusion in the field where they played more and more so-called "run 'n' gun" that our team is much better advantage at the first break went from 12 (28:16). The most effective of "Eagles" are currently Markovic and Nedović with seven and six points Krstic. On the other hand held Bosnia Teletović with nine points from five Đedović.
Foto: AP/Tanjug
Foto: AP/Tanjug
The second period began with a three points Bogdanovic for Serbia, but soon returned Persic. Serbian representatives continued in the style of the first quarter and lead the fast growing mid period was plus 18 (40:22). Serbian basketball Served shot for two oints to 75 percent (12/16). 
Just when we praise them, our little weary, followed by several faults and failures, Serbian basketball players are scored on the game for three and a half minutes. Finally, the "stab" the Rasko Katic, immediately followed by Markovic doubles and "Eagles" have gone on vacation with 45:31.

Furious second-half Serbian basketball player for the 11-0 series record 25 differences, 56:31. Brilliant Stefan Markovic, up to this point our team leading scorer with 13 points. Less than 25 differences forced the Bosnians to shake himself, and with a 8:0 backlog reduced to an acceptable level. Our not pushed, so take advantage of the biggest differences halved, 60:49, Nedović to hit at the right time threesome. Nemanja end of the period hit another free throw and Serbia in the last quarter came with 64:49.
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić
Foto: Tanjug/Nebojša Tejić
Relatively equal start the final section. Dusan Ivkovic called a time-out at the score of 68:55, just in time, to advise players and not allow rival seriously threaten. Bosnians approach of 68:58, start Teletović from the free throw line, back soon Katic, and after the show errors and failures Andjusic for three points resolved, it would seem, the dilemmas and brings 73:58. Persic was able to fight back with a three, but Katic and Bogdanovic rising edge in the difference 16 points 77:61 .
 Time for something important was gone and the game is routinely completed, and rivals have managed to win quite moderate for the final 77:67.